It was recently announced at work that I am the employee of the quarter, I got 100 dollars, a choice parking spot and my picture on the wall. I work retail, and most days I have on my happy to be here and serve you face. I have never worked retail before, nor have I ever had a job that earned so little money, but times are hard and I appreciate I have even this. I once saw a man with no feet and thought to myself damn poor fucker cant buy shoes. I like shoes. But I digress. At work I am willing to do what others wont, it makes you valuable. I wont call in nor will I turn off my phone to avoid calls into work. The bosses know my value and its not uncommon to fine me working in different departments of the store, four easily in one day. When someone needs someone its me they call. They know I will be willing and there with a smile on my face. To be nominated associate of the quarter you have to be nominated by employees and voted for by supervisors and managers. I was shy by two votes last quarter and I wansnt even at the job the first full quarter. I was so proud of myself when I told others the good news (ones that had been there for years and never even nominated) I found out what it means when someone says "they hatin on me" I honestly never knew its true meaning. I was snub, called an ass kisser, I was meet with cold and mean attitudes. But always with a smile on my face. You can only be rude to me for so long then my charm will win you back over. Yea im modest and shy like that. It felt good to be called up in front of everyone and given my award, it was nice to know I was nominated 5 times by supervisors I dont even work for. One offered my supervisor two of his employees for me. This is just a stopping spot for me in my life travels. When I was being interviewed the manager saw my past employment and wage and ask why I would want to work in retail for such little money, I explained the more I knew in life the better off I would be, so no matter my hourly wage its a learning experience, something new. I will never work retail again, its not that I dont like it, Im just meant for bigger and better things in life, I think.......
i agree there is nothing wrong with retail and i agree that there is something in bigger and better in this world for you because you are so so smart... question is, in the past 5 years what have you done to enhance yourself. if its a lot then i congratulate you.... if its nothing then i can't help but to question just how smart you are??? my opinion.
Big Bubba
Big Bubba, I have done things to "enhance" myself in the last five years, how can you live and not? If by enhance you mean better, the yes. Could I leave this job for a better one? Of course I could, mail will never stop being delivered. I dont want to live to work, I want to work to live. I think I am smart, Im doing something I like. Are you?
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