Ok part of me wants to work through my marriage the old fashion sweat and tears route, a do good man deserves a do good woman, right? So I shouldn't add men to the equation, to complicate things further, right? But I want what I want and I want it all damn it! I dont want to be caught but I want to do things and people I shouldnt. Im so confused and I have no self discipline. I had no intentions of finding another lover. He found me. He came after me and wore me down, not that it took much mind you. He is a customer, he comes to find me no matter where in the store I am. He said my name was too long and he just calls me Li, and I think I like it. He is military and damn damn damn! He is younger than me, not married (red flags yet?) But he makes me laugh, he is interesting to talk to. He knows I am married, I was joking with him when he ask for my number one day and showed him my wedding bands, telling him these rings have disappointed so many. I like how he looks at me while he waits in line for me, I like that he thinks I dont see him watching me, or maybe he does. One day he caught me going on my break, I dont walk slow so when I breezed by him telling a coworker I was on my way outside, he followed me. Asking if he could have my number yet, I explained I was married, through other casual conversations he knows my husband is stationed out of state. So I guess he didnt care and hoped I didnt either (that day I didnt). I have my cell phone my husband knows about and checks on a regular basis, then I have my prepaid piece of shit phone I hide at work when he is home. So I did give him my number that day. We text all the time and talk often, he says his day isnt complete until he sees me at work. Sometimes he waves from afar other times he will stop and talk to me for a bit. I shouldnt be opening this can of worms seeing I have a mess made already, but my goodness I want him!!
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