Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fuck you very much

I get that today might not of been one of my "good" days, stress is like a brick to the face for me.  I can see it when I look in the mirror, but to be told "you look like shit" is kinda fucked up.  Thats what I was told today!! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, and if not then some day after that, hell.


Her said...

um...ok thank you....I think.

Anonymous said...

yeah, the same thing he said!!

Arch1K said...
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Arch1K said...

I really love your depressing blog. It is very nice to read it when I feel a little down. You have a nice way of distancing yourself from your problems in writing.
One comment though. You very often use the "should of" or "might not of". The grammatically correct way is "should've" or "mightn't have". Which are the short forms of "should have" and "might not have".
Hope that this comment is received well.

Her said...


well thank you very much. i dont attempt to be grammatically correct, but thanks for pointing that out for me. glad my grey clouds can brighten your day! Any comment is recieved with much appreciation. And besides I should have noticed my mistakes.