Monday, March 15, 2010

Writers block

Ok, so I was flowing quite nicely for the last few days.  All my words seem to leap from my imagination onto the paper (yea I write it all then type it later).  I guess I am blocked because I cant find feelings I have never experienced, but isn't that the hallmark of a good writer...hmmm.  I am at the fire, I don't know how to express the fire.  I don't know how to make Denise feel about it all.  Ive tried to put my self in her shoes. When I was younger we lost our kitchen to a fire, and alls I can remember is being angry at the smell.  I dont remember any fear, not my own, just my aunts. I try to ask for visions when I dream, I woke up crying last night  but I don't know why, I think I was feeling her pain, but my memory didn't capture it. Now I'm stuck...Puffy pancakes always put me in the mood to write, I guess it breakfast for dinner, yum!!


Anonymous said...

Bring me some fluffy pancakes!

Her said...
