Thursday, April 29, 2010


You're reevaluating your relationship with romance. How much of what you need from your intimate relationships has been dictated to you by others? Now you're ready to toss all that aside and focus on your real, personal needs and desires from that special someone in your life. It might seem like a huge task, but finding someone who can keep up with you is ultimately a very rewarding venture.


Big Bubba said...

not ignoring you. cant ever catch u online. back in cc for a few days. heb the other day. that could have been bad lol.

Big Bubba said...

not ignoring you. cant ever catch u online. back in cc for a few days. heb the other day. that could have been bad lol.

Her said...

Ya think?! Why were you walkin up on us like you was a long lost play cousin?? You know where to find me!! So find me.

bubba said...

whats up wit ya? passed through there today and fri. didnt see ya

Her said...

The actually give me days off so I can work my second job, go figure. Only youd come in on my days off....

Petite-Sal said...

Nothing about pisces? :)
